What can I say? Social Distortion rocked like they always do last night. Here is a compilation of their opening song "The Creeps" and their closing two songs "Story of My Life" and "Prison Bound". Ness was in top form last night. Good to have them back on tour and can't wait to hear their new stuff in 2010!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
"Warning" playing "Sick Boy" Guatemala style
Got my Social Distortion fix when visiting Guatemala City covering the punk scene there.. Lots of Social D fans down there. Next stop, Cuba then Bogota to see the Casualties.. can't wait! enjoy!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Guatemala City - Union Stricken Rehearsal
My friends from Union StRicken let me sit on a rehearsal after their interview in downtown Guatemala City earlier this month.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Youth Brigade in NYC

So I'm all amped for the big Youth Brigade/Casualties show at Cafe Europa in Brooklyn, NYC on Saturday 9/19/09. I mean, I literally postpone a couple of trips to catch one of my all time favorite hard core bands the Casualties. I just bought their recent CD off i-tunes "We are all we have" and i have to say it is excellent stuff. I also want to see Youth Brigade, I mean these are two legendary punk bands, why aren't they playing in Manhattan?
Well, I figure its going to be a packed show, so I prepare for the day by going to see a special documentary screening of "Let Them Know" the story of the Youth Brigade and BYO Records. I don't regret spending a couple hours of a beautiful college football Saturday holed up in a dark theater checking this doc out. This is one good documentary and it deals with the often overlooked West Coast punk scene so often overshadowed by the scenes in NYC and England. With interviews with Fat Mike from NOFX, Seven Seconds, Bouncing Souls and of course the Stern brothers from Youth Brigade, it is a truly entertaining, mostly hilarious and slightly uplifting documentary. It really made me appreciate what punks went through in the 80s in the U.S.
I arrived at Cafe Europa around 8:30PM and was dismayed to find out I arrived just in time to hear the last :20-:30 of the Casualties "Unknown Soldier" with about 100 or so punks in full fury in the pit. That was it? Final song!? WTF? What kind of punk show is over at 8:30PM on a Saturday in NYC none the less? What do punks have to be in bed by 10pm or something?
I was really dismayed, proceeded to down 4 beers in a row but the evening was almost salvaged when I met Shawn Stern, lead singer of Youth Brigade, who was out mingling with the crowd before the show.
I congratulated him on an excellent documentary (he executive produced and got the most air time). We also discussed the punk scene down in Central and Latin America. Shawn's a big surfer and he indicated he's ready to tour down there and get some good surfing in.
He's a cool guy, as expected and YB proceeded to put on a hell of a show. Here are a couple of clips for your viewing pleasure. YB and Shawn, thanks for all you've done for punk… oh and thanks for salvaging my night.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Guatemala City - "Warning" Rehearsing "Punks Never Die"
I really like this song by Warning.. its even more intense live!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Gautemala Punk Tour
I shot lots of interviews (some in English), got good footage from the punk concert on Saturday (videos on their way) and it was topped off by a "punk tour" of downtown Guatemala city, AT NIGHT nonetheless, something I'd probably never attempt on my own. Here are couple of clips from the punk tour of Gautemala City (AKA Guate).
More video clips from the concert and interviews are on their way soon and be sure and check out the "Pics Gallery" at www.Punkoutlaw.tv as well as www.flikr.com/punkoutlaw and the you tube page for videos www.youtube.com/punkoutlawtv.
Thanks again to my amigos from "Warning", "Union Striken", "Destruccion Social" and "Sudor de Huevos" (Ball Sweat), Bris, Nerf, Hector, Felix, Maria Jose and all the punks down in Guate! I hope I can get back down there soon guys!
Yup, Punk is worlwide and we plan to cover it all.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Calavera on Punk Outlaw
Going back to Black Cat's 2007 Hollywood Showdown at the Knitting Factory in Los Angeles featuring "Calavera". Check them out at http://www.myspace.com/calavera
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Bouncing Souls (Webster Hall NYC) - True Believers Aug 2009
Bouncing Souls at Webster Hall was excellent. The crowd was into every song and the venue was perfect for this type of band, not cold and sterile like the last time I saw them (Terminal 5). The stage divers were out in force but the bands, security and crowd was very respectful and it was a good time for all. It was hot, sweaty and smelly... just like a punk show should be and the Souls' particular brand of punk is female friendly, meaning there were some hotties in the crowd.. always a nice thing.
7 Seconds rocked as well. The crowd appreciated the hard core legends.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
MAS ALLA DEL NO FUTURO Documental Punk trailer Español
After spending some time in Bogota, Cali and Medellin, Colombia it was clear the Latin Punk Scene is alive and well with just as rich of history as in the U.S. or U.K. (perhaps an even richer history because of their unique life or death obstacles in the 80s and 90s). Thankfully things have improved greatly but punk is still going strong and growing.
There were young people all over with Ramones hats, Sex Pistols shirts and their own brand of punk. I missed a big, free punk concert in Medellin which was scheduled for the day I was in Cali but I hope to be able to go back and hang with my amigo from ColombianPunk.com for the next concert in September.
Great interviews, fotos and footage to come. Until then, check out this trailer about the Colombian punk scene from NYC area filmmaker Jose Posada.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Three Bad Jacks at the Knitting Factory NYC 2008
This video of 3 bad jacks at the Psychobilly Luau in 2008 is pretty hard core. Dudes a good, hard working musician and completely independent and a nice guy at that. Catch Three Bad Jacks if you ever get the chance. Great live show.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Rise Against Finale - NYC Roseland Ballroom 7.26.09
Got the chance to hang with the guys from "Rise Against" after their show at the Roseland Ballroom in NYC. They are really good guys and put on a hell of a show. Check em out if you haven't already. These guys are going to be bigger than they already are!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
"Psychoshocker" @ Psychobilly Luau 2009 in NYC
The 3rd Annual Psychobilly Luau in Brooklyn, NYC was by far the best one yet! Congrats to Laura and the gang at Rebel Angel Productions. Though its hard to tell by this clip, these guys from Psychoshocker can not only play some wicked psychobilly they are absolutely "balls out" (literally) hilarious. Best performance I've seen in a while. I'll try to post more when I can. Psychobilly lives in NYC!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Offspring - Low Self Esteem NYC!
Check out this clip of the Offspring singing "Low Esteem" During their recent stop at Roseland Ballroom - NYC. Great band, great concert. One of the best of the year if you ask me.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
NOFX on LatiNation (Full Segment)
Punk Outlaw Presents NOFX on LatiNation. If you missed, you can check the fulls segment FINALLY here.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Punk Island - Governer's Island NYC 6.21.09
I got there just in time to see the last band.. I missed Reagan Youth but these guys tore it up.. even though the crowd was thin at that point.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
NOFX on LatiNation Promo - Segment Airs June 27-28th
If you missed it last time, Punk Rock Legends NOFX will be featured on national TV show "LatiNation" June 27th-28th! www.LatiNation.tv/wheretowatch for local listings.
Punk Out!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Pennywise Show full of Underage, Drunk Kids!
The Damned put on a damned good show and the Irving Plaza was packed full of pretty 30somethings and older punk fans who were very enthusiastic but behaved (no mosh pit at all).
I contrast that with Pennywise's show at Terminal 5, which was quite the opposite. I thought I knew what to expect as I had experienced Pennywise live just the year before at Irving Plaza and knew it was going to be some young dudes, slamming into each other all over the floor with lots of testosterone in the air. That's cool, I'm a dude and while older than 20 something these days I can hang on the floor with the best of em.
That being said, as soon as I walked into Terminal 5, I knew this hard liquor sponsored event was going to be different. I was immediately almost knocked over by two drunk teen girls, so drunk they didn't know where they were at. My friend and I went upstairs to the bar to get a drink and he was accosted by some drunk 15 year old (she said she was 17) begging him to go to the security guard and get her confiscated flask of vodka back and to claim he was her father. Dude's not even 40 so he was bummed but I reminded him, due to her youth and our advancing age, it was more than biologically possible he be her father. While he's somehow entertaining this ridiculous proposal, some other young dude comes up to me asking me to buy him a beer. I'm like bro, no f..ing way, I got a lot to lose, not going to do that.
Don't get me wrong. I started drinking at the age of 17 and because my family were some religous tea totlers, I had learn the good old fashioned way (close calls, Hit and Run, Arrest for underage drinking) how to finally drink responsibly. Now I can barely drink two beers back to back without a hangover.
But for Jaegermeister, one of the hardest most f..k you up liquors around to sponsor an all ages (or maybe it was 16+) show is the height of irresponsiblity. I'm no prude, but I do work in marketing and I know the restrictions for even beer advertising on TV are mad strict. Why isn't a similar standard held for live shows where underage teens will find a way to get alcohol?
I want everyone to be able to enjoy Pennywise. but to have it sponsored by a hard liquor when they know so many of their fans are underage is just plain wrong.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Punk Outlaw Presents NOFX on LatiNation
Punk Outlaw Presents a rare interview and segment on Legendary punk rockers NOFX.
The segment is debuted nationwide on LatiNation May 9th-10th but is set to re-air June 28th-29th, 2009.
www.LatiNation.tv/wheretowatch for local listings.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
NOFX.. putting the "punked" in Punk Rock
All in good fun.. stay tuned for the segment.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
2008 Punk Music in Review.. Nahh.. Not really..

What we don't need is another list for 2008. As a matter of fact, given the state of the economy thanks to good old Wall Street (on the bright side, now I can hate those clowns relatively guilt free). Off on a tangent, Hey NYC, what happenned to all that freaking revenue when times were good? What the hell did you do with it? Spend the whole Goddamn thing? Didn't you think the "good times" might end some day? Jesus, who sucks worse, our corrupt/incompetent government or the fucking greedy motherfuckers who bribe their asses.
But I digress, back to the music. Twas a good year to be into punk music, if you were me and got to do a bit of West coast travel to help satisfy your urge.
Lets start with the Motherfucker of them all, Mike Ness. Social D. took a hiatus this year but I had the good fortune of seeing Mike Ness in NYC @ Irving Plaza, then later in the summer at the annual Hootenanny and then in December, I capped the year off in LA with one of his final performances of the year at the El Rey Theatre, with a bunch of other misfits, outlaws and punks.
Other notable concerts I witnessed in 2008 included
GBH-NYC (I think my Favorite)
Pennywise- NYC (damn good show)
Tiger Army (Orange county- Hootenanny and NYC)
The Germs- NYC
Murphy's Law (Great show - NYC of course!)
Pennywise-NYC and NOFX - NYC (with Dillinger 4 and Flatliners opening)
The Psychobilly Showdown at the Knitting Factory in LA put on my good friend Rich from Black Cat Entertainment was pretty solid as well. Los Difuntos and The Slanderin my favorite bands that I witnessed there.
2009 should be a good year if we can get past the damn economy again. Already, one tour that had Social Distortion on the bill has been canceled because of the bad economy.
The movie studios love a recession because people will still go to see a movie, maybe even more so during a recession (or is this a depression, remains to be seen). To me, concerts are similar. No matter what, you gotta keep your spirits up and there is no better way than to gather with some fellow music lovers and celebrate the music we love. A good mosh pit does wonders for stress. Maybe our Wall Street brethren will join us now that they are all out of work and have nothing but time?
You have to admit, punk rock shows are still the best value for the buck out there. Its expensive being a Madonna or Bruce Springsteen fan. BTW, you ever been to a Springsteen concert, fat, bald yuppies trying to dance (nothing against fat bald people, just Bruce Springsteen fans).
2008 was a good year for punk rock. I think, think.. not 100% sure, i saw more representation out there. Could it be young people are finally sick of the side show that is Hip Hop and pop and are ready for some real music from some real artist?
2009 should be a good year for punk.. so stay tuned.